
Since its establishment in 1900, the Higher School of Commerce of Algiers has been training high-level executives in the fields of management sciences. It holds the status of a prestigious school, obtained under Executive Decree No. 05-500 of December 29, 2005, under the authority of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and within the framework of Law No. 99-05 of April 4, 1992. The ESC actively contributes to the job market by producing professionals specialized in corporate finance, accounting, management, and marketing.

With its experience and history in graduate and postgraduate education, it actively contributes to the scientific advancement and the implementation of development programs and economic reforms. This is made possible by a large number of its graduates holding high-level positions and the hundreds of professionals who join the institutions responsible for building the national economy each year.

Starting from the 1980s, the School embarked on the introduction of two types of postgraduate programs: the Magister in Management Sciences and specialized postgraduate programs in banking management, accounting, and auditing. This initiative aimed to strengthen its role in supporting the national economy and training instructors for higher education. These programs are directed and managed within the framework of Executive Decree No. 98-17 dated August 17, 1983. Subsequently, a doctoral program was systematically and logically established to encourage research and enhance the academic staff, following the principles and directions set by the national policy for the development of scientific research and the quality of higher education.

Its long and rich experience, along with its recognized quality training by various stakeholders in the market, makes it a leading force in providing high-level professional human resources across different sectors. Armed with this position, the Higher School of Commerce ensures to always listen to socio-economic operators, aiming to better meet their needs and provide specific and tailored training, leading to diplomas and/or qualifications.

With the introduction of the new higher education system LMD (License-Master-Doctorate) in 2007, the Higher School of Commerce (ESC) aligned itself with the master plan for education in Master's and Doctorate degrees in the same disciplines that have earned its reputation. This new system has given ESC greater flexibility to propose teachings, specializations, paths, and professional profiles that are better suited to the demands of an increasingly open and complex environment, considering the current economic conditions.

It is precisely in this context that the Higher School of Commerce (ESC) has been dedicated to establishing its own research space in management sciences, hosting research teams in various forms. Its faculty members have the latitude to conduct examinations to qualify teachers to lead scientific research projects, either through research teams or through master's theses and doctoral dissertations.

The research topics selected by the school's scientific council, endorsed by the Directorate of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, are in line with the national programs for scientific research, which are periodically established and renewed.

The two research laboratories created within the ESC bring together research teams composed of permanent and/or associated teaching staff, as well as master's and doctoral students. These laboratories benefit from dual funding, both from the National Research Fund (FNR) and other sources of funding, which are often guided by national priorities and directly related to the needs of businesses and socio-economic organizations.

In its medium and long-term perspectives, ESC Alger aims to be open to the national and regional economy, as well as foreign partnerships. Its close and dynamic relationships with other academic institutions in the country are reinforced through cooperation and partnership agreements with foreign institutions that have already experienced the transition to the LMD system, primarily including the two ESC groups: Clermont Ferrand and Saint Etienne.

Considering its history, experience, and extensive network of alumni, which is a source of pride and renown, ESC is committed to fulfilling its mission of developing and promoting higher education and scientific research through the following main concerns: 

  • To provide quality education, continually adapting to the requirements of the market;

  • To actively contribute to the continuous improvement of the qualifications of the students being trained;

  • To systematically respond to the requests of economic operators for specific training that aligns closely with their objectives;

  • To offer a favorable environment for education and scientific research, ensuring both pedagogical and didactic, as well as material and logistical means;

  • To actively contribute to the continuous improvement of the qualifications of its personnel and teaching staff;

  • To participate in the creation and dissemination of knowledge through the communications and publications of its teaching researchers, etc.

    Executive Decree (DE) defining the missions and specific rules of organization and functioning of the school outside the university.
    Law on the general guidelines for higher education, as amended and supplemented by Law No. 08-06 of February 23, 2008.
    Executive Decree (DE) concerning doctoral training, specialized postgraduate studies, and academic habilitation.
    Law No. 98-11 of August 22, 1998, on the general guidelines and five-year plan for scientific research and technological development 1998-2002, as amended and supplemented by Law No. 08-05 of February 23, 2008.