The school is composed of:

 -  Administrative bodies (see the organizational chart below);

 -  Scientific bodies (scientific council and scientific committees);

 -  Pedagogical bodies (Pedagogy section).


The organization and functioning of the school are dictated by Executive Decree No. 05-500 of 27 Dhu El Kaada 1426 corresponding to December 29, 2005, which sets out the specific missions and rules for the organization and functioning of the school outside the university.


The school is managed by a board of administration, led by a director assisted by deputy directors, a secretary-general, and the library director. It is equipped with bodies for evaluating pedagogical and scientific activities.

The school is composed of departments under the responsibility of department heads and includes technical services. It may also include structures responsible for university affairs.



Administrative bodies
The Board of Administration The Director The Deputy Directors​
The Secretary-General  The Library Director The Department, The Department Head


The Board of Directors

the Minister responsible for higher education or his representative, the president. is composed of A representative of the Minister responsible for national education
A representative of the Minister responsible for finance A representative of the authority responsible for civil service matters
 Representatives of the main user sectors, the list of which is determined by the decree establishing the school A representative of the Minister responsible for vocational training and education
An elected representative of the full professors by department  A representative of the authority responsible for scientific research
 An elected representative of associate professors, if applicable Two (2) elected representatives from the body of assistant professors
 Two (2) elected representatives from administrative, technical, and service staff Two (2) elected representatives from students


deliberates on
The development plans of the school
The proposals for programming training and research actions.
The proposals for national and international exchange and scientific cooperation programs.
The annual report on training and research.
The acceptance of donations, bequests, grants, and various contributions.
The projects for human resources management plans
The projects of budgets and financial accounts.
The acquisitions, sales, or rentals of real estate, loans to be contracted, projects for creating subsidiaries, and equity investments
The projected statement of the school's own resources and the terms of their utilization in the context of the development of training and research activities
The use, within the framework of the school's development plan, of the income generated from equity investments and the creation of subsidiaries.
The partnership agreements with all socio-economic sectors.
The internal regulations
The annual activity report presented by the director.


The board of directors studies and proposes any measure aimed at improving the functioning of the school and promoting the achievement of its objectives.


The director

The director is responsible for the overall functioning of the school.

As such:

  • He represents the school in legal matters and in all civil acts.

  • He exercises hierarchical authority over all staff.

  • He enters into all contracts, agreements, and arrangements within the framework of the current regulations.

  • He ensures compliance with the laws and regulations in force regarding education and schooling.

  • He prepares the school's budget proposal and submits it to the board of directors for deliberation.

  • He is the budgetary officer of the school.

  • He appoints the school personnel for whom another mode of appointment is not provided.

  • He takes any measure to improve the educational and scientific activities of the school.

  • He ensures compliance with the school's internal regulations, for which he prepares the draft and submits it for adoption by the board of directors.

  • He is responsible for maintaining order and discipline within the school premises.

  • By delegation of the minister in charge of higher education, he confers degrees and diplomas.

  • He is responsible for the custody and preservation of archives.


The deputy director in charge of teaching, diplomas, and continuing education. assisted by The deputy director in charge of doctoral training, scientific research, technological development, innovation, and entrepreneurship promotion. 
The deputy director in charge of information and communication systems and external relations.  The Head of the Department
The General Secretary The library director



The deputy directors 

They are responsible for the management of the structures placed under their authority.

The General Secretary

The Secretary-General is responsible for the administrative and financial management of the structures under his authority and the technical services, and he is granted, in this capacity, delegation of signature from the director.

The deputy director of personnel, training, and cultural and sports activities assisted by The deputy director of finances and resources
"The head of the internal security office


The Library Director

The Library Director is responsible for the management of the library organized into services, and he receives, in this capacity, delegation of authority from the director.

The Department

The Department is an academic and research unit providing in a field or discipline:

  • Undergraduate programs,
  • Postgraduate programs and scientific research activities,
  • Continuous training, upgrading, and recycling activities. The department, headed by a Department Head, is equipped with a scientific committee and, if necessary, includes laboratories.

The Department Head

The Department Head is responsible for the pedagogical and administrative functioning of the department. He is assisted by service heads and, if necessary, laboratory heads.

This text is extracted from Executive Decree No. 05-500 of Dhu El Kaada 1426 corresponding to December 29, 2005, which sets the missions and specific rules for the organization and functioning of the school outside the university.